The best way to improve your writing is to write...and write and write and write! At some point, however, you need to practice submitting your writing. Today, I'll share four fun places to do just that! First, I have a little personal announcement:
I entered the MeeGenius Author Challenge and would love your votes! The challenge is to write a picture book. Finalists are chosen by votes and the MeeGenius team. You can read my entry and vote here!
Now, four fun writing contests that are happening right now!! And, none of them have an entry fee!
1 - NaNoWriMo First Line Contest. You finished your novel, right? Well, you certainly finished one line! This fun, not NaNoWriMo-affiliated contest ends December 4th. All you need is the first line of your new novel.
2 - NaNoWriMo First Chapter Contest. Yes, two NaNo-related contests...tis the season! To enter, you need your first NaNo chapter--other projects don't count. Do it soon--the deadline is today! Visit Scribophile for more details!
3 - Holiday Story Contest. Hosted by the brilliant Susanna Leonard Hill, this holiday contest hits the blogosphere December 19-22. Honestly, I'm most excited about this one! Check out the details here (scroll down past the Thanksgiving Story finalists!).
4 - GE Appliance Giveaway. Put your blogging skills to the test to win a $5000 appliance from GE! Your entry is a submitted blog post on one of their five topics. Visit GE for details before December 30th!
Don't Hold Your Breath ( #BOTB Results )
13 hours ago